Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Does the 49'rs Tavern make the best BURGER in LB?

My vision quest began Sunday night at 49'rs Tavern. Located in an awkward strip mall containing a boxing club and chimney sweep at the corner of PCH and Bellflower, the 49'r is unique because it has no kitchen.  Yes, that's right, the place that claims to have the best burger in LB has no custom indoor grill, flattop, fryer, oven, or trained burger chef.  So how was the burger? Well, we will get there.  

I entered  49'rs Tavern with Hot Dog Jones, Heatmeiser and Dan the "Felter" Man.  We shuffled past some of the Tavern's regulars who were chain smoking in the parking lot.  These gin-blossomed senior citizens were not what I expected from a burger joint on the edge of Long Beach State.  I kept my eye peeled for some of the young  co-ed "dirtbags" (I think that's what you call them) but didn't see any at the pool tables or bar.  It could have been that the Tavern was devoid of any young female "dirtbags" due to the airing of the Daytona 500. However,  I did notice several violet necked fans with Nascar hats yelling at the T.V.'s.

So, I was ready to take on the Tavern's finest, called "God's Own".  To  be fair, this was not my first, second or third Tavern Burger, but the first since I had begun my burger blog. GO is prepared like all of the 49'rs finest  - on an outdoor grill (like the kind you can buy at Home Depot).  So, I walked to the counter and ordered my burger from the young female working the bar.  The young lady, who looked like she had just gotten off tour with Death Cab for Cutie, kindly took my order.  I also ordered a pickled egg for the Heatmeiser.  I then watched as one of the tattoo covered grill masters lurked out the back door to begin work on my burger.

GO is a 1/3 pound burger served on a sesame seed bun.  The tangy meat has an excellent twang from a Worcestershire sauce bath.  The Burger was cooked well and served with a bag of chips in a red basket, simple in its design.  The lettuce, onion and tomato were very fresh and crunchy.  The bun was slightly grilled and the swiss cheese was perfectly melted.  The Burger was dressed in a secret 1000 island style sauce that went well with the twang of the meat.

After finishing my burger and beers, I coasted into the bathroom and pulled up to the urinal troff.  Next to me was an older gentleman massaging his prostate in an effort to relieve himself.  I took up a quick conversation with the man and he mumbled something about a burger contest at the Tavern.  I guess there is a competition to see who can eat 3 triple bypass burgers the fastest.  I quickly zipped up and returned to my table, a little frightened of what I just witnessed and heard.
In sum, an excellent back yard burger served in a tiny beer den on the edge of Long Beach State. Unpretentious and cozy, definitely worth a visit.  

The Best Burger in LB? That remains to be tasted.  But a strong burger for $7.75.


  1. We all know TOMMY BURGER will win, so what is the point of said blog Mr. Hungler???

    Tommy Burger is simply the finest piece of culinary artisanship to ever grace this commenter's well-refined and cultivated palette.

    Not to mention the fact that you can buy 5 or 6 Tommy Burgers for the price of a God's Own or any other divey pile of flesh. You also receive a fistful of free banana peppers and a soulful dollop of chili, the likes of which can only be compared to licking an angel's nipple! Pure bovinity!

    The best burger in LB, or anywhere in Southern Cal. is TOMMY BURGER. PERIOD.

    Except of course for Hodad's in Ocean Beach, SD.

    - Veal Killmore

  2. Pickled eggs AND prostate massaging? Sounds like a successful Sunday afternoon!

  3. I had a boyfriend who worked in the meat department at Stater Bros in Long Beach. He said the owner of the 49ner tavern would come in to buy pre-made frozen patties when they were on sale. The owner said he bought enough patties to keep his tavern in burgers for six months. Just thought that I would share...

  4. Something just doesn't smell right about you Mr. Hungler! Are you well versed? Yes. Knowledgeable? Perhaps. Able to guide your followers into the bright light of meaty delights? I say no. I challenge you to crawl out from behind that gigantic burger curtain and expose yourself for the enormous headed man you obviously are! Only then, Mr. Hungler, can we journey with you into ground round bliss!
